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The Fastest Way To Build AI-Powered Apps

Create custom AIs for consumers, SMBs, and enterprises – no coding required.

// Overview

Whatever you have in mind, you can build it with MindStudio.

Leverage the latest advancements in AI

MindStudio supports every major foundation model, allowing you to choose the one best-suited for your use case.
As the AI ecosystem gets better, your AIs are upgraded automatically. Never worry about being locked in to a single AI provider.

No code needed

MindStudio lets you build AIs without the need for coding or machine learning knowledge.
Build powerful workflows, including chat interfaces, summarizers, analyzers, and document editors.
Learn to build in under 30 minutes.

Train your AI with external data.

Easily train your AI on books, documents, spreadsheets, manuals, articles, emails, blog posts, websites, and everything else.
Upload TXT, PDF, CSV, XLSX, HTML files right from your computer, and MindStudio does the rest.

Publish with the press of a button

Deploy your AI publicly or privately with the push of a button.
AIs are deployed to MindStudio’s secure cloud and available anywhere. Make updates instantly.
Embed your AI in any website or app, or access it directly anywhere you can open a link.

Generate recurring revenue

Configure your AI to collect payments from end users.

Powerful data and analytics

Get real-time insights on traffic, users, conversion, revenue, and other key metrics.
Understand the entire user cycle, from landing to conversion and beyond.

And so much more…

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