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Create Websites with Notion

Create a website in less than a minute that’s easy to manage and looks great, with instant page loads, SEO optimization, and no-code. All your content stays in Notion so you can focus on creating while Super handles the rest.

// Overview

How to use Notion as a website

Choose or create a Notion page
Choose an existing Notion page, create a new one or start with a template. Super works with any Notion page.

Paste the Notion page’s web link in Super
Publish your Notion page via the Share menu and paste the Notion web link in Super when creating a site.

Share your site with the world
Your content is now live on a site you can call your own! Edits in Notion are automatically synced.

Join over 30,000 creators using Super

Our mission is to create the best web hosting platform you’ve ever used. We love building beautiful and useful software fueled by feedback from our customers. Here’s what some of them have to say.

Your content lives in Notion
Your work stays in a place you control and love, while Super handles the technical parts of publishing it to your website. This means you can focus what’s actually important to you: creating content and building your brand without worrying about configurations, plugins, downtime, performance, or security.

Customize to match your brand
Style the look and feel of your site with no-code themes and designer templates. Everything can be customized inside Super without code to make you proud of the unique site you share with the world. Add custom-code only if you want to.

World-class Performance
Pages load instantly anywhere in the world giving your site visitors a pleasant and snappy experience—they’ll never close the page for taking too long to load. On average Super sites perform better than any industry leading website builder.

Optimized for SEO
Social sharing cards are automatically created from page content and your site’s HTML is optimized to use best practices for search engines. Super sites are automatically built with the ability to rank high in search and look great when shared on social media.

Kickstart your idea with a designer template

Start your website from a selection of beautifully crafted templates and customize it to fit your needs

Build feature rich websites with Notion

High Performance: Incredible performance and the latest web technologies, out of the box.

Custom Design: Customize your site to match your brand without using code.

Excellent SEO: Ascend to top ranking with powerful, user-friendly SEO.

Domains & SSL: Enhance your credibility and brand recognition with a custom domain.

Custom Code: Add code to your site for extra customizability and integration options.

Password Protection: Add a layer of security by password protecting your Notion pages.

Incredible sites built with Super

Our community is creating amazing websites with Super, check them out!

This site is built entirely with Notion & Super

We think Super is best way to publish content online which is why we use it for all our sites. The content for this site (the one you are reading now), is all coming from Notion. Click the link below to check it out!

We’ll be there when you need us

Our support team is ready to help you get started and will be there for you if something goes wrong. The best way to get in touch with us is to use the chat bubble in the lower right of the Super Dashboard.

How does Super work?
Super takes your Notion pages and turns them in to a high performing, fast, SEO-optimized website. This means you manage your content in Notion and you manage your site in Super. Well, actually, Super takes care of most of the website building automatically, and this is what makes using Super feel magical.

You use Super to deliver super fast web experience to your users, customize the appearance of your site, add a domain to your website, manage your site SEO settings and organise the URLs of your pages.

What is Notion?
Notion is a powerful all-in-one app used to create documents, manage projects, organise content and so much more.

Notion is where the content for your site lives and is the place you spend most of your time when creating your site because Super is automatically building your website for you. Use Notion to manage your content, update text, images and other media on your pages and create your site layout and structure.

Are you new to Notion? Visit their official getting started guide to learn more.

Can I create a website without code?
Absolutely! With Super’s custom theme builder, you can style any aspect of your site with colors and fonts, change the layout, add navbars and footers, as well as style galleries and databases. All without code! You can create, copy and apply themes to your website and preview different styles to see what looks best before you publish.

How many sites can I have
You can have as many sites that you want in your account. Plans apply to a single site and work on a per-site per-month basis. So, you can choose whether a site is free, on the personal plan, or on the pro plan. You can have one free site active at any time, and as many paid sites as you want billed according to which plan they are on.

How do I create a website with Super?
Creating a website with Super is as easy as copying the URL of your Notion page and adding it to your Super site. Super will find and load all the subpages automatically and build your site within seconds.

You can then start styling your site and adding your own logos and colors, and connect your own domain. Within minutes you could be ready to go live and publish your site to the world. You can preview your site for free, with no credit card needed to start.

How much does Super cost?
You can get started on a fully responsive Super site for free, and stay on the free plan forever. Or you can choose to subscribe for $16/site/month ($144/site/year on the annual plan) and get access to all the custom theme options, custom domain connection, password protection and SEO settings that helps your site get better search engine ranking.

What does a paid Super site come with?
One of the main advantages of using Super for your website is how blazingly fast your site performs. This is because we are building a highly optimized and scalable version of your Notion pages that are delivered via our Content Delivery Network to your users.

This speed helps your site get better search engine ranking, and is often an overlooked aspect of SEO work. It also helps create a better experience for your users and helps drive engagement.

You can also connect a custom domain of your own, password protect pages, and use custom code to change any aspect of the site.

Can I use Super for free?
You can get started on a fully responsive Super site for free, and stay on the free plan forever. There is no need to load a credit card, and you can have as many pages as you want on your free site.

Does Super scale?
Super is built to scale. Our distributed Content Delivery Network and caching infrastructure ensures fast page loads are available around the world, and that your site always performs at its best. There are no limits to the number of pages or bandwidth your site uses.

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