Sonify io

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// Description

Sonify innovates at the intersection of audio, data and emerging technologies. We design and develop audio-first products and data-driven solutions.

// Overview

We have been accustomed to thinking that we must spend long years learning how to operate our software applications. Our outlook has been limited by mostly focusing on mastery of the skills required to communicate effectively with our poorly designed tools. We are rapidly entering an age where the tools understand us and can move beyond simply understanding what we want them to create to now being able to co-create with us. We need to shift our focus and open our imagination. And all of that starts with meaningful conversations.

Sonify was founded in 2019 in New York City and is now based in Vermont. We believe in the power of data, audio and emerging technologies to drive deeper connections that extend impact, reach and engagement.

As the world gets faster and data gets bigger, sound allows for the convenience of multitasking without having to look at a screen and can provide accessibility for people who are blind or visually impaired and other groups. As an audio-first company, our goal is to complement rather than replace visualization methods by adding the option of listening to amplify understanding.

We provide training, production and R&D&I services to design and develop audio-first solutions for human-computer interaction. Our work combines elements of data sonification, sound design, interaction design, spatial audio, VR/AR, AI and Voice.

Sonify’s mission is to research and test methods to better communicate data with sound, to complement rather than replace visualization methods by adding the option of listening to amplify understanding.

The company was a recipient of the Knight Foundation’s “Data For Civic Engagement” award and engaged in a year-long initiative that empowered newsrooms to create data-driven sonifications to enable storytelling that was accessible to users who are blind or visually impaired.

From research and development to innovation.

From sonifications to interactive audiovisual experiences.

From one-off master-classes to in-depth programs.


Recent research collaborations have included Envision Research Institute (Wichita, Kansas) for data storytelling and Urban Systems Lab (New York) to explore new approaches for developing more equitable and resilient cities.


QR Date uses data-over-sound to verify the date in (near-) realtime reporting and live streams. TwoTone is an open-source web app allows users to sonify a dataset without writing a single line of code.


From connecting hyperlocal newsrooms with the blind and visually impaired community in Wichita, to training scientists to collaborate with musicians in Luxembourg, innovation is at the core of everything we do.

From sonifications to interactive audiovisual experiences, we collaborate with world-leading talent to produce compelling work that drives deeper connections to extend impact, reach and engagement.


We create sonifications from your data, collaborating with audio innovators in the composition, mixing and performance of electronic music and sounds to add a new dimension to understanding.


We create audiovisual interactive experiences, collaborating with artists at the bleeding-edge of 3D animation, motion graphics and code using machine learning, generative art and emerging media.

From intensive one-off masterclasses to in-depth training programs, we focus on hands-on ‘learning by doing’ sprints to unlock, empower and enable creativity in individuals and teams.

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