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The AI-powered article summarizer

// Overview

So many great articles, so little time.

Keeping up with the latest research is tough. Millions of new research articles are published each year. Then there’s reports, white papers and company documents. Your usual research tools can find the most recent or influential ones, but you still have hundreds of papers on your desktop – and no time to read them. Skimming the abstract doesn’t give you enough insight into how important a paper could be to your work.

How Scholarcy can help you

Saves you hundreds of hours

Scholarcy, the online article summarizer tool, reads your research articles, reports and book chapters in seconds and breaks them down into bite-sized sections – so you can quickly assess how important any document is to your work.

By identifying key information such as study participants, data analyses, main findings and limitations, researchers and students tell us the time spent appraising a study is reduced by over 70%.

Extracts the key facts, figures and references in seconds.

As article summarizer tool, Scholarcy creates a summary flashcard of any article, report or document in Word or PDF format. It creates links to open access versions of cited sources, and can be configured to extract figures, tables and images.

Scholarcy helps you to speed-read the article, follow the arguments and take away the main points in minutes. And if you’re looking for referenced article – they’re only a click away.

Builds you a personal summarized research library

Scholarcy’s browser extension for Chrome and Edge works with open-access repositories such as arXiv, biorXiv, and OSF Preprints. It also integrates with Scholarcy Library – a pay-monthly subscription service that builds a searchable collection of your summary cards, accessible from any device.

Maximizing Efficiency: A Postgraduate Student’s Story

When it comes to postgraduate research, every resource that helps with systematic screening of the literature, identifying connections, gaps, and the potential for future work is worth its weight in gold. We recently caught up with an inspiring student, Omar Ng, who has undertaken a Master’s in Instructional Design and Technology after 20 years away.

Navigating the Biomedical Maze: A Scholarcy Success Story

Picture the whirlwind of being a first-year biomedical science undergraduate at the University of Sheffield – the excitement of newfound knowledge mixed with the challenge of deciphering scientific jargon that might as well be written in another language. Now, meet a remarkable undergrad on this journey, not just as a first-year student but as someone.

Best assistive technologies for college students

With digital-first learning becoming more established in colleges and universities, there’s also increased demand for assistive technology to support the growing number of students with a neurodiversity or physical disability. Assistive technology can unlock the learning potential of neurodivergent students in Higher Education helping them to focus, stay organised and grow in confidence. We’ve taken.

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