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// Description

Accelerate Development with Scalable Low-Code Powered by AI

Fullstack • Enterprise ready • Open Source

// Overview

Helping build better products at:

Sustainability Solutions

Tackle your sustainability transformation challenges today.

Noodl Startup Accelerator

Go from zero to scalable MVP in 4 weeks.

Custom power you haven’t seen in low-code before

Build full-stack applications with exceptional control of your UX, backend and hosting, with the perfect mix of AI and low-code.

Visual development for faster iteration and collaboration

Customize any experience to perfection with no design limits

Work on frontend and backend in the same visual environment

Build custom applications without limits

Noodl is used by enterprises, startups, and agencies to bring user-centric ideas to market at remarkable speed, without any limits.

If you can think it, you can build it.

Limitless low-code assisted by AI

Noodl’s visual development model gives you the same power and flexibility as regular code – but without the learning curve. It’s optimized for creating apps where custom experiences, data control, and functionality matters.

Build around APIs & data

Leverage internal and external business assets like APIs or datasets to rapidly build high-value user-facing applications. Create reusable components from proprietary APIs to empower your team to rapidly create one or many apps.

From Prototype to Production

Zero limits to functional or UI capabilities. Noodl is built from the ground up to give you full control of your vision. Customize any aspect of your app, with low-code or regular code as preferred.

Full-stack and enterprise ready

Noodl contains everything a serious business requires when building and launching applications. From flexible built-in hosting to custom hosting and deployment flows on your chosen cloud solution. Talk to us about approaches to GDPR, HIPAA, or other compliance needs.

AI-Accelerated Visual Development

Noodl is tightly integrated with LLMs like ChatGPT, allowing both no-coders and low-coders to enhance functionality. Users can create new functions, data queries, or UIs through conversational prompts, empowering experts to contribute to crucial business initiatives and ensuring app quality.

One platform for every type of business

From early MVP to success

Salesramp a SaaS tool for automating and managing sales commission built on Noodl goes from early MVP to 1.2M euro funding and product growth.

Boosting sales and cutting costs

PragmaFlow recently adopted Noodl as its low-code development platform to build solutions for their clients.

Validating new innovation opportunities

GSK’s used Noodl to release digital consumer health apps for market testing with real users. Iteration speed being the most critical parameter.

Join the community

Everything you need to build custom web apps fast

About Noodl

Noodl enables designers, innovators, and developers to create powerful web apps with a low-code approach to visual programming. It is purpose-built to help explore and realise creative potential without limits.

Noodl apps are full-fledged web apps used from prototype to production by startups, agencies, and Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

Our History

Our Noodl founding team has been working together for nearly 15 years. Previously, they were founders and technology and design leaders at a company that designed the Android platform for Google and shipped mobile UI software to over 1 billion devices, helping to define the mobile UX revolution.

While co-founders at a world-class design company, they created early versions of Noodl. Noodl has been battle-tested in the wild since 2016.

While there are other no-code app tools, the alternatives are what Instagram is to photo editing: completely on-rails – quick to learn but limited. But we wanted a full-stack studio, of low-code and no-code app creation – a professional, creative platform that could grow with the needs of no-coder and low-coding team members.We’re scaling with our growing community of Noodlers and companies using Noodl to build better digital products and experiences.

Our Mission

Today, our mission is to empower an emerging generation of low-coding and non-coding software creators with tools that will empower them to create visionary software. Whether a student, designer or veteran developer, we will scale without limits with people’s needs as they evolve in their professional journey.

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