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All your news. None of the bias.

We scour 100+ sources so you don’t have to. Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more—all in a five-minute read.

// Overview

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2,901,856 Readers today

Today’s news. Edited to be unbiased as humanly possible.

Every morning, we triple-check headlines, stories, and sources for bias. All by hand with no algorithms. See what readers are saying.

All your news. None of the bias.

Become a reader of the daily news briefing known for unbiased content.

Separating fact from opinion is now an everyday obstacle course.

Staying informed means wading through thousands of headlines, ads, and op-eds, all driven by one goal. To be loud. To continuously catch your attention and keep it. But that’s why we started 1440—A news source made for knowledge. Not clicks.

Our Story:

1440 is the daily news briefing followed by millions of readers. But it began as an email we sent to 78 people.

Every morning, we’d wake up to the same broken media landscape. Filler content. Talking heads. Opinions. Infotainment. But one day, instead of repeating the cycle, we started working on a solution: a comprehensive news sourceedited to be unbiased as humanly possible. A daily briefing—in one simple email. For more insight. And less outrage.

We’re an employee-owned news source, not affiliated with any larger media outlet.

Our Mission:

To share fact-focused information with the world.

Because2.9 million people trust us to be unbiased as humanly possible. Our readership spans the political spectrum, with roughly 33% affiliated with the left, 33% with the right, and 33% as independent.

Our Standards:

To deliver facts without motives, we commit to these guiding principles every day.
1440 Standards

Human First
We prioritize people and community. Because understanding the world enables personal growth and engaged citizenship. It helps us be better to each other.

Transparency and Accountability
Publishing facts without motives requires honesty. From how we make money, to our editorial process — if you have a question, please ask. We answer every message.

Relentless Curiosity
We’re driven by a never-ending passion to learn. A relentless desire to understand our community. Country. World and universe. To express this, we ask questions.

1440 Editorial Standards

Consequential News Only
We don’t waste your time with speculative or opinion-based stories. 1440 shares the news that has a significant impact on people, places, or communities.

Fact and action, Not just word.
We will never cover a news story about any person, political or otherwise, based on cherry-picked quotes. Or a story based on what a person is thinking.

Context.Not interpretation
Not a newsflash: our readers are smart. So we provide the tools and links to dig deeper. We publish the details that help connect the dots.

1440 Partner Standards

Alignment with our mission
Our mission: to share fact-focused information with the world. We choose our brand partners based on mutual alignment and shared values.

High quality is a mission.
Brands we place into the daily briefing must have an existing customer base with a strong reputation for consistent quality.

No miracle product. No motives.
We rigorously score and vet potential brand partners. So you’ll never see ads from political campaigns or entities, tobacco brands, or any bait & switch products.

Our Name

The printing press was invented around the year 1440, spreading knowledge to the masses and changing the course of history.

In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. We’re here to make each one count.

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