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// Tool

// Type

// Category

Code Assistant

// Examples

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// Description

Buildt is an AI tool to help developers quickly search and understand large codebases

// Overview

What we do

Contextual Search:
Search for code by what it does and not what it is. Far better than simple string matching.
e.g. “Where are request tokens validated in the backend?”

Code Explanations:
Unsure about how something in your codebase works? Buildt is able to quickly explain how it flows as if an expert was sat next to you.

What Languages We Support:
JavaScript, TypeScript, TSX, Python, Golang, Ruby, Java, C#, CPP, PHP, Rust, Swift, Kotlin, Scala, Cobol, CommonLisp, HTML, CSS, Bash, Haskell, SQL, Dart, Vue, YAML, JSON, TOML, Lua, Elm.

Why is this better than copying and pasting code into ChatGPT?

Context windows are just not large enough to paste all code into.

The more code you paste into ChatGPT the more you run into the problem of “focus”. This is true with all LLMs. Meaning your results are rarely useful.

Simply embedding your code is also not good enough as lexically, English queries look nothing like code. So surfaced results are highly inaccurate.

We’re applying proprietary methods that means we’re not just a MVP to show off on Twitter. We’re a useable product.


Buildt is an AI tool to help developers quickly search and understand large codebases.

Engineers at companies like Stripe and Airbnb have to work with million-line codebases; our LLM-powered tool makes this simple.

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