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Generate SQL with AI for Free

AI generates, explains and optimizes SQL queries for you. No SQL knowledge required.

// Overview

What services does your startup provide?
We leverage AI to formulate SQL and NoSQL queries for our clients, thereby enhancing the ease and potency of data handling and SQL functionality.

Does your AI support all languages?
Until now, we haven’t bumped into a language that our AI couldn’t process.

Who can benefit from your services?
We cater to a diverse audience including data scientists, developers, marketers, big and small businesses, and independent professionals. All our clients have one thing in common – a need for SQL or NoSQL to extract data.

Do you provide any free trial periods?
On signing up, you will be directed to our free tier program where you can experience the utility of our AI-driven services firsthand. We of course hope you will continue using our service.

We are a dynamic AI startup nestled between the innovation hubs of Berlin and Denmark. We believe in harnessing the immense potential of AI, SQL and NoSQL, and mixing them together to drive valuable data exploration. Our core mission is to empower clients to fully leverage SQL and proactively harness their data to enhance their operations. In developing our products, we are committed to:

    • Ensuring stringent adherence to security policies
    • Capturing the potency of AI while maintaining user-friendly interfaces
    • Providing exceptional support, encouraging user participation, and promoting top-tier SQL generation

We offer a host of features which include:

  • Top-notch SQL generation empowered by AI
  • Extensive support for SQL and NoSQL databases
  • Connectivity to your database, enabling insightful data extraction
  • Functionality to preserve and share generated queries
  • And so much more… Discover for yourself

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